


Overflows booklet cover 2023

Curator: Véronique Côté 
August 14 - October 28th, 2023
8.5” x 11” Catalogue
12 pages


prusa brochura

Porous Boundaries: Carol Prusa

Essay: Carol Gould & Surplus
September 16 - December 16, 2022
8.5” x 11” Catalogue
2 pages


To Be Continued: Tammy Knipp

September 16 - December 16, 2022
8.5” x 11” Catalogue
4 pages

Teaching the Object: Selections from the FAU Art Collection  

Curators: Karen Leader & Alison Palma
January 21 - March 5 2022
5.62" x 10" Catalogue
19 pages

Surplus Reiterations: Letty Bassart, Rod Faulds, Tom Scicluna                  Essay: Adrienne Chadwick
September 30 - November 5, 2022
8.5” x 11” Catalogue
2 pages





Why Shouldn't We Talk About These Things At the Table?: a community based conversation with South Florida artists.
Curators: Jeannie Ambrosio and AdrienneRose Gionta
February 18 - April 9, 2021
8 5/8" x 5 5/8" Catalogue
39 pages

Under The Florida Sun: South Florida Cultural Consortium Visual & Media Artists Fellowship
Curator: Mikhaile Solomon
September 17 - October 30, 2021
11” x 8.5” Catalogue
35 pages

Shared Space: A New Era
Curator: Bank of America, Art In Our Communities Program
February 14 - April 11, 2020
8.5” x 5.5” Brochure
4 pages

Shared Space: Photographs from the Martin Z. Marguiles Collection Curator: Jeanie Ambrosio
January 24 - March 11, 2020
5.5” x 8.5” Brochure
4 pages

HAND & I: Mending the World One Stitch at a Time
Curator: Yulia Tikhonova
November 9, 2019 - February 1,
8.5” x 11” Catalogue
8 pages

Black Mirror and other Third World Reflections: Works from the Mario Cader-Frech Collection Curator: Claire Breukel
February 1 - April 6, 2019
9” x 9” Catalogue
48 pages

New Art: 2018 South Florida Cultural Consortium Visual & Media Arts Fellowship Exhibition Curators: Angelica Arbelaez and W. Rod Faulds
September 15 - October 27, 2018
11” x 8.5” Catalogue
38 pages

southXeast: Contemporary Southeastern Art
Curator: W. Rod Faulds and Cynthia Stucki
October 12, 2017 - May 2018
8.5” x 11” Catalogue
40 pages

Florida Dreaming
Curator: Erica Ando
November 5, 2016 - January 21, 2017
9.5" x 8.5" Brochure
4 pages

Walter Hnatysh Survey: The Florida Years 1989-2016
Essays by: Lynn Appleton and 
Amy Broderick
September 2 - October 22, 2016
11" x 8.5" Brochure
6 pages

Jay Critchley Incorporated Curator: Bailey Bob Bailey Published by: Provincetown Art
February 5 - April 2, 2016
8" x 10" Catalogue
76 pages

DIRT: Yuta Suelo Udongo Té
Poetry and Fiction Texts by: John Durfense, Andrew Furman, Michael Hettich, Elizabeth Jacobson, Edward Petuch, Geoffrey Philp 
January 22 - March 5, 2016
9" x 9" Catalogue
48 pages

New Art 2015: South Florida Cultural Consortium Visual and Media Arts Fellowship Exhibition
Curators: W. Rod Faulds and
Mariela Acuña
September 11 - November 7, 2015
8.5" x 11" Catalogue
40 pages

Altarations: Built, Blended, Processed
Curators: W. Rod Faulds and
Jeanie Ambrosio
November 21, 2014 - April 2015
8.5" x 11" Catalogue
80 pages

southXeast: Contemporary Southeastern Art
Curators: W. Rod Faulds and Sybile Canthal Welter 
November 2, 2013 - April 30, 2014
8" x 10" Catalogue
40 pages

POUR Curators: Elisabeth Condon and Carol Prusa                                    
February 5 - March 23, 2013
9" x 9" Catalogue
32 pages

New Art 2013
Curator: W. Rod Faulds
September 22 - December 15, 2012
11" x 8.5" Catalogue
32 pages

Surfing Florida: A Photographic History
Curators: Paul Aho with W. Rod Faulds
March 17 - May 12, 2012
11" x 8.5" Brochure
8 pages

Figured Spaces: Selections from the John Morrissey Collection
Curator: Karen J. Leader
November 29, 2011 - February 11, 2012
8.5" x 5.5" Catalogue
34 pages

southXeast 2011: Contemporary Southeastern Art                     Curators: Jennifer Inacio and W. Rod Faulds
January 29 - April 9, 2011
19.8" x 25" Poster Brochure

Curiosities: Rick Valicenti & 21st Century Thirst .                    Curator: Stephanie Cunningham February 13 - April 3, 2010
24" x 36" Poster Brochure

2009 South Florida Cultural Consortium 
Curator: W. Rod Faulds
September 12 - October 31, 2009
8" x 8" Catalogue
28 pages

Political Circus: A 3-Ring Reflection on the 2008 Election Campaigns
Curators: Jane Caputi, Carol Prusa and W. Rod Faulds
September 5- November 1, 2008
15.25" x 6.5" Poster Brochure

Designing Intelligence: Continuing The Intelligent Design Project
Curator: AdrienneRose Gionta
January 30 - April 3, 2009
25.5" x 17" Poster Brochure

southXeast 2008: Contemporary Southeastern Art
Curator: W. Rod Faulds
January 26 - April 5, 2008
8.76" x 7.25" Catalogue
18 Pages

Curator: Diana Shpungin
November 9, 2007 - January 26, 2008
8.63" x 5.63" Catalogue
32 Pages

Grzegorz Klaman: Fear and Trembling
Essay by: Sebastian Cichocki
April 26 - May 25, 2007
16.5" x 23.4" Poster Brochure

Drawn In / Drawn Out
Curator: W. Rod Faulds                January 19 - February 24, 2007
5" x 5" Brochure
4 pages

Two Poster Shows: The Graphic Imperative and Graphic Noise
Curators: Laura Moody, Elizabeth Resnick, Chz Maviyane-Davies and Frank Baseman
November 9, 2006 - January 27, 2007
25” x 19” Poster Brochure

2006 South Florida Cultural Consortium Fellowship
Curator: W. Rod Faulds
September 15 - October 28, 2006 
8.25" x 8.25" Catalogue
32 pages

Picturing Florida: Ellen Harvey and Mark Dean Veca
Curator: W. Rod Faulds,               
January 27 - February 8, 2006
8" x 8" Brochure
6 pages

Me, Myself & I
Curators: Paul Laster and Renée Riccardo                                        
November 5, 2004 - January 29, 2005
19” x 25” Poster Brochure

Daniel Batalla & Gustavo Serra: The Path of the School of the South
Curators: W. Rod Faulds and Cecilia de Torres 
January 16 - February 21, 2004
6" x 6" Catalogue
6 pages

Corporal: Contemporary Women Artists from Latin America Curator: Giannina Coppiano Dwin October 25, 2003 - January 24, 2004
8.5" x 8.5" Brochure
6 pages

Exchange Korea/Japan/USA Essays: Lizzie Zucker Saltz
January 31 - March 15, 2002
8.25” x 8.25” Catalogue
44 pages

Mark Catesby's Travels in La Florida & Natural Histories
Essays: Joseph L. Aufmuth, David R. Brigham, Henrietta McBurney, Charlotte M. Porter, and Donna Waller
November 9, 2001 - January 19, 2002
11" x  8.5" Catalogue
32 pages

Marks of the Soul: Poetics, Philosophies, & Religions-Eight Caribbean Artists Curator: Bárbaro Martínez Ruiz    
March 10 - April 14, 2001
9" x 6.75" Catalogue
32 pages

Never NeverLand Curator: Omar Lopez-Chahoud 
November 11 - December 22, 2000
19” x 25” Poster Brochure

Nu Art So FL: 2000 South Florida Cultural Consortium Visual and Media Arts Fellowship Exhibition
Curator: W. Rod Faulds
Essay: W. Rod Faulds
11" x 8.5" Catalogue
24 pages

Regional Selections: FIGURINGS
Curator: W. Rod Faulds                  September 16 - November 18, 2000
8.5" x 5.5" Brochure
8 pages

Regional Selections: IDIODYNCRACIES
Curator: W. Rod Faulds              September 16 - November 18, 2000
8.5" x 5.5" Brochure
8 pages

Michal Rovner,

Selected Works 1991-1998
Curator: W. Rod Faulds
November 6, 1998 - January 17, 1999
6" x 6" Brochure
4 pages

Catherine Howe: Paintings 1992-1998 Curator: W. Rod Faulds
February 26 - April 11, 1998
6" x 6" Brochure
4 pages

some WOMEN / PRETTY girls Curator: W. Rod Faulds
February 26 - April 11, 1998
6” x 6” Brochure
4 pages