Pre-Collegiate Programs & Camps

Program authorization and PROCEDURES 

The Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters Dean's Office works with the University's Office of Youth Programs to host a variety of educational immersion programs for non-enrolled minors in surrounding communities. The Dean's Office also consults, supports and oversees aspects of program planning in order to ensure that university program standards are met and maintained.

Creating a New Pre-Collegiate Program or Camp

All pre-collegiate programs and camps must be authorized by the appropriate department chair/unit director and, if needed, the dean as well as the Office of Youth Programs per the univeristy's Pre-Collegiate Programs policy 3.1 before program activities can occur. Please be sure to review Pre-Collegiate Programs policy 3.1 which applies to all Florida Atlantic University-operated or affiliated programs (FAU pre-collegiate programs) designed for individuals under 18 years of age who have not yet graduated from high school (“minor participants”), whether operated on or off campus, where the program participants are to be left in the care and supervision of Florida Atlantic University employees or volunteers.

FAU-operated or -affiliated means programs or activities the University operates or sponsors or in which program staff participate through their University roles with the approved use of University trademarks or facilities. The Florida Atlantic University Operating Standards for Pre-Collegiate Programs apply to all programs covered by this policy.

The policy applies year-round - it is not limited to programs conducted during the summer months. In addition, the policy covers the following items and more: Limitations, Exclusions, General Program Staffing Requirements, Program Staff Screening Requirements, Program Staff Training Requirements, Supervision Requirements, Medical Care, Releases And Waivers,Transportation,  Insurance Coverage, Housing, Parking Services, Dining Services and other.

Furthermore, all Pre-Collegiate program directors/owners/operators must complete the Program Director’s Orientation Training prior to the start of their Pre-Collegiate program. Please note that if you are interested in starting a program/camp but still unsure, it's best to attend a training in case you do decide to go foward with your program/camp.

*Only authorized programs may be advertised and promoted.

For more information, CLICK HERE to view Powerpoint
College Pre-Collegiate Program or Camp Checklist, CLICK HERE.

Third-Party Program or Camp

Excluded from the Pre-Collegiate Programs policy 3.1 are: (i) programs designed for individuals 18 years of age
or older; (ii) programs designed for individuals who have graduated from high school; (iii) FAU’s developmental research (laboratory) school (FAUS) programs designed for FAUS students; (iv)  2 early childhood education programs at FAU’s Educational Research Center for Child Development; (v) recruited student-athlete “official visits” involving minors; (vi) Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved research involving minors; (vii) licensed childcare facilities on campus or
University sites; (viii) activities involving minors who are enrolled, dually enrolled, or accepted for enrollment at the University, or who are employed by the University; and (ix) field trips, visits, and programs supervised by a minor’s school or organization where guardians or chaperones are invited or expected to accompany and supervise the minors. Such programs are excluded even if they serve some or all participants under 18 years of age. Also excluded are pre-collegiate students who, on their own, are using University facilities, taking campus tours, or participating in programs that do not involve the University’s assent to directlysupervise the individual. 

Renewal of a Previously Offered Pre-Collegiate Program or Camp

All intent letters and applications must be reviewed and submitted annually through the Office of Youth Programs to identify changes in staffing, activities, and other aspects. 

For more information, please contact:

Chan Walker
Assistant Director, Student Affairs Operations & Administration
Office: 561-297-3988