M.D. Degree Program
The Integrated Patient Focused Curriculum is based on the principle that future physicians should learn essential basic science information in the context of patient care, patient case studies, and the practice of clinical skills. We provide our students with a stimulating, supportive and collegial learning environment featuring:
- An early introduction to the patient and the community
- Continuity relationships with patients, physicians, and health care systems
- Longitudinal integrated clerkship modules in the third year
- Integrated competency assessments
- A small class size
View the current College of Medicine Academic Calendar (2024-25) for Years 1, 2, 3, and 4, or check the upcoming calendar (2025-26).
The foundational science curriculum integrates key disciplines like anatomy, physiology, pharmacology and pathology throughout the courses. Teaching methods include problem-based learning, with a balance of small group sessions and independent study, supplemented by labs, clinical correlations, simulations, and lectures focusing on core concepts rather than lists of facts.
The clinical curriculum in years 1 and 2 (Foundations of Medicine) begins with sessions that concentrate on professionalism, ethics, cultural competency, communication and history taking skills. Medical interviewing and physical examination are taught using an hypothesis-driven approach grounded in evidence-based medicine. Standardized and simulated patients are used to teach core and advanced clinical skills. Starting in the spring semester in year 1, students develop doctor/patient relationships with patients under the supervision of their physician preceptors in the community and at clinics that provide care to the under-served in Palm Beach County.
In our year 3 Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (LICs), students are placed with a group of physicians at affiliated community hospitals for an extended period, rather than completing short discipline-specific clerkships in random order at multiple sites.
At the end of year 3, students have completed core clerkships in Medicine, Surgery, Ob/Gyn, Pediatrics, and Psychiatry and have been exposed to other medical subspecialties including geriatrics, palliative care, emergency medicine, pathology, and radiology.
Throughout year 3, are provided with "white space time" - time set aside for students to pursue their own interests - such as clinical experiences in subspecialties, research, or community health projects. During year 4, students have the opportunity to take a wide range of hospital-based and other electives in addition to required acting-internships. The Transition to Residency course at the end of year 4 brings all our students together for an immersion experience to prepare them for the next phase of their education - residency.
Competencies and Objectives
The FAU Medical Education Program Goals guide the MD curriculum. The 8 Competencies* all graduates are expected to achieve are:
*This is the Physician Competency Reference Set (PCRS) endorsed by the AAMC as the common learner expectations utilized in the training of physicians and other health professionals.