Licensure Information
MSW Graduates of our School of Social Work program applying for Florida Licensure can start the process by clicking on the link below:
Licensure Verification Letter Process
In order to complete the process you will need to obtain one or two letters from the School of Social Work which verifies you have met the field requirements for licensure. Please do the following:
Contact Executive Administrative Assistant Tod Marshall at and provide her with the following information:
- Year of your graduation from the MSW program
- If you were in the advanced standing program and if so the name of the university you completed your BSW program. This will generate a 2nd letter for you showing the courses you did not have to repeat at the MSW level.
- The name of the agency you completed your Specialist (Concentration) placement
- Last 4 digits of your Social Security number which is needed for one of the letters
- The name you want on the letters. If you have changed your last name since graduation I will need your current name.
Once this information is received he will generate the letter(s) and email them to you. You can include these letter(s) along with your application material that you submit to the board.
Other Specific Requirements Unique To Our Program
- You will need to order a transcript from FAU. Please visit the website below to order: have FAU send the transcript directly to the address below:Board of CSW, MFT, MHC
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #C08
Tallahassee, FL 32399-3258 - You DO NOT need to include course syllabi or course descriptions with your application. The board in Tallahassee already has these materials from our school.
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